Our Vision
Worship God. Advance His Kingdom.
Our Mission
We are a church that seeks to bring glory to God, to build the local church through discipleship and to fulfill the Great Commission
What we believe
Jesus is truly God as taught by the Bible. Our faith is in one God, the Holy Trinity; who is God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, though fully God, became fully human.
What we confess
The Bible is God’s word and teaches about our fall into sin, Jesus Christ, salvation, the church, civil government, and our Lord’s return.
We cannot save ourselves because sin has affected every part of our nature. We cannot come to faith by ourselves. God takes the initiative, choosing us in Christ without consideration of any good in us, not even foreseen faith. God’s Spirit alone can work in us the miracle of saving faith that gives us new life in Christ.
Our rescue from sin is a free and unearned gift of God through Jesus Christ. Our grateful response is living in faith and obedience to our Lord.